Sunday in sunny Michigan, the humidity is finally starting to go away, the Olympics are almost over, school will start soon and Mom is going back to Florida this week. So we had a little family gathering today (hence the above pictures) or as my son calls it FFF (forced family fun!). All in all it was an OK day, we played with the Wii, bowling, boxing, baseball, went through the new Stampin Up catalog, ate way too much food and got home in time to watch Big Brother.
Mom leaves on Wednesday so I need to finish her pj's that I am making her, finish some cards (mom colored the images) and probably go out to dinner one more time. God willing she will be back for Christmas, but we will still miss her!!! Well time to get to bed, got to work in the morning and remember Dancing with the stars roster will be announced tomorrow!!! Keep smiling and have a great week